Flip It Again Version 2.0: 20 Common Items You Can Sell (and Resell Again and Again) for $50 & Up: Affiliates

Affiliates! Make Money Reselling This Product!
After 12 years of selling online, and writing about it, I've developed a roster of all-star, "under the radar" items that are often passed over by other sellers. Some of them are unassuming looking, others are more in-your-face, but they are my favorite things to find and sell again and again and again.
I've thought off and on over the years of compiling them into one ebook, but was hesitant to divulge all these gems in one place. But then I realized there are plenty of sales to go around and I want to share these tips with my loyal readers, and attract even more readers.
Now you can not only enjoy this info, you can make money reselling it! What could be a better flip than that?
You will make 50% of every sale reselling this product. It's easy. You simply sign up as either a or a affiliate, and link to the product from your web site, newsletter, classified ad, twitter landing page, facebook page, sandwich-board sign, or however you'd like to promote it.

To sell via
(You will need to first create an account at if you do not already have one). Simply go to this page and fill out this form with your Clickbank nickname:
The product id is 12. So your affiliate link will look like:
...where "affiliateID" is your affiliate nickname you created at signup.

"Flip It Again" is $24.98, and you will make 50% of every sale. Plus, you can feel good about spreading good information to your friends.
All From the publisher of the Yard Salers newsletter and author of the award-winning eBay Price Guide (named Best of Reference 2007 by the New York Public Library).
Flip It Again: 10 Common Items You Can Sell (and Resell Again and Again) for $50 & Up! is 43 pages of straight infomation and images.
Thanks, and start making more money selling, and reselling!
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